Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the Dawn of a New Era

I've decided that today is the day that I start from scratch...not with life of course, but with a new blog. I have been most unfaithful with my postings on this blog, and to be honest I feel that I have grown up extremely since my previous postings. The person who published this blog is rest assured me, but a much younger/ more niave me. Each day my life is further put into perspective. I plan to start my new blog from high school on, in a more matture manor. Thank you all for being a part of this blog...If I can overcome my severe technological impediments, I will try to direct you to my new blog.

Warning: I am telling you in advance that it will be the blog of a college student and possibly rated P13. LOL ~Rest assured,it is still me none-the-less.

If you need to e-mail me or I fail to post my new blog info and you really want to follow my college life blog, you can e-mail me @ mfschmid@uni.edu (You may also just e-mail me for fun if it strikes your fancy)

Of to go live the good life,
Yours truely,
Mary Schmidt

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New E-mail Address

Hello everyone!

I have a new e-mail address that I use for all of my state officer business. Please use this one to contact me. :D Sorry I don't have time to write much. I have to get back to my paper for leadership development.

The address is:

I check it a minimum of 3 times a week, so needless to say I work with it a lot more than my blog or facebook.

Please feel free to contact me with anything (But I as that you refrain from sending me forwards or junk mail! Thank you so much)

Love you all and God Bless,
~Mare Bear~

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Ok well I just wanted to let everyone know that I am not dead! (chuckles!) I am just insanely busy loving my life (as always). Although, my home internet is dead. Making internet difficult to access. (sad :( Mary)

I can't even begin to give a brief summary of what I've been up to. Today alone I had FCS judging for the Iowa County fair, card playing with the elderly at Highland Ridge, and now I'm getting ready to go to dance practice. Everyday is full of something new, and I love each and every moment of it. My busy life has taught me something----and that thing is for sure. You never know for sure what tomorrow may bring....but it's your choice whether of not to love what comes.~I don't know for sure what is going to happen tomorrow, but I know that I can't wait. As my favorite teacher Mr. G always says, "tomorrow's another day"

That leads me to the greatness of today...It was awesome! It has been so long since I've seen many of the people that I love to hang out with every year at the county fair (especially considering that I missed the fair last year as I toured Europe). I also got to see two of my favorite fun people that I haven't gotten the chance to see since my birthday back in November. I am so glad that I got to see them today. ~That is a perfect example of something that yesterday, I had no idea would come today.~ I am so glad it did :D

Now alas, I am sorry to bid everyone adieu yet again. I apologize that I didn't give more of and update, but I simply must get ready for my practice. Don't worry-I will be in a fantabulous mood afterwards. I love to dance! :-P

More updates to come later. I miss talking to you all!

Love Always and Forever,
God Bless
~Mare Bear~

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mr. Magnorium's Wonder Emporium

Your life is an occasion, rise to it!
Last night I had a very fun and enjoyable evening with one of my best friends Hannah! We hung out at her house, watch an adorable movie and ate my first batch of organic guacamole =). We watched Mr. Magnorium's Wonder Emporium, and I strongly recommend it to kids of all ages! Great times like always! currently getting ready to go out with friends again tonight =).
I immensely love being young =P !
Will post again soon! Toodles...
Love Always and Forever,
ttfn, and finally-
God Bless
Mary Schmidt =D

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Night I Shall Never Forget!

I do not fear the future for I know that God is already there!!! While I do not feel anxious I cannot deny my disappointment and even a great and sad emptiness. Our country will never be the same. I shall remember tonight in infamy as a definite moment of change. For better or worse the change cannot be denied. America will NEVER be the same! Here's to the future and the difficult times that are sure to come! It may be hard and even at times painful but we are Americans, and this is still AMERICA! THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! I will now and forever be proud to be associated with our country. This is not the end. This is the beginning of a new age. You most fail to truly appreciate the value and worth of the final reward. We are beaten but not dead. We can fall but we will get back up. The lose of a battle does not mean failure of the war. We still have our voice! This is still our country. BE PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! WE ARE THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE! THAT IS OUR RIGHT AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR IT TO THE DEATH. I spent this evening will my good friend Mileia from Serbia/Montenegro and she says that all other countries around her look up to and respect the great nation of the USA. I also spent much of my summer in Europe and people were excited to hear that I was from America-despite what the media may portray. They view us as the most powerful nation in the world. Hearing so many people talk about our country with respect and my personal knowledge of our rights, liberties, freedoms, and great abilities in no way convinces me to be ashamed or at all regret who I/WE are. AMERICANS! (Annoy a Liberal and ignore the media-be happy, be successful, EARN money....make a difference!)
GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!! (As we already have been!)
The sun will still rise tomorrow morning in the East and set again in the West. The world will continue to revolve around the sun. And...Life goes on!
The future is coming-let us be ready! :-D

Love always and forever. Of course God Bless All, and God Bless America!
Mary Frances Schmidt

Sunday, October 26, 2008

---I'm Back and Busier than Ever---

Alright everyone, back by popular demand, yes! It is the one and only Mare Bear. Who for some reason-known only by Jake, has suddenly become Mayberry.
I would like to start by apologizing for my absence as I miss everyone terribly and am truly sorry for the lack of communication. I have been unceasingly and incredibly busy by all accounts of the word. . Even my sleep has been sacrificed! gasp! I would also like to thank all of you who yelled all the at me in the halls, so loudly that everyone could hear, just to tell me that you miss my post and that I needed to start writing again! I shall never forget how red I was. You know who you are (I'm giving you the stink eye). Finally, thanks to the Brennemans who asked me in the kindest way of all in a comment on my post. It made me feel appreciate :-D. I always try to respond to pleasant request over intimidating demands. :-P.

Well then, Some of my many engagements since my last post include CROSS COUNTRY, Band, FCCLA, FFA, Dance lessons every Thurs., PSAT tests, homecoming, football games, face painting at the pals family fun night, 4-H (with youth council, 4-H committee, and my club's huge 2 1/2 hour Halloween party), also church youth group and choir every Wednesday night, school work out the yin yang, completion of nearly 22 pages of research for kirkwood, planning an alcohol free party for Halloween with Tia and Brett, as well as going to Haunted Houses with my friends. I spend every free moment possible with my friends and family. I also got a new cell phone and will always make time to talk to whom ever is on the other end. MY new number is (319)530-1475. I also have unlimited text messaging if you would rather text. I will always respond :-D.

Also, those of you who know or talk to my beautiful sister Rose, call her and congratulate her. She made it into the School of Education at the University of Iowa this week and I am so excited for her! AND... Ray is now able to run again with about a 96% recovery! Thank God! Mom is walking everyday after school on the track and everything is great and healthy with dad's hogs so he's happy too. My uncle Don recently had a retirement party and both my sis and lil bro are a year older. Now I feel like the youngster! Ray is almost 16 and Rose will never be a teen again...call her old fart, it's funny :-). I just recently heard from my beloved aunt Renee in Canada who will be coming down for my birthday and Thanksgiving. I have applied for a job as a hostess and waitress at the 7 Villages Restaurant/Hotel as well. (It's close to home so I don't have to drive far.)

Although, one of the best things recently might be the homemade apple pie one of my friends gave me for giving her rides to band. Thank you so much! Now I find myself making apple pies from our apples! You inspired me-(chuckles).

(With all my business I find that its best to live with the knowledge that..."I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13)--somedays that is what I need to make it through.

A long ways back was the fun event of Homecoming all the way back on the 10th of October. During homecoming week I made class signs and painted windows...and had absolutely nothing to do with the tepeeing of the school-hehehe. I attended Mason Wood's bonfire at his house on Thursday night as well, it was exciting, and I think almost the entire school was there. Homecoming was against the Panthers, and it was the only game of the season that our team lost, but it was still fun and very exciting. The band did great and I hung out with friends afterwards. I will never forget the football game for another very funny event this year after the game... I will be nice and not embarrass him, but I know that Sammy, Alison, and Morgan are reading this and laughing with me now. (inside joke for us-he he he). I went to the dance on Saturday night and it was rockin''(even though my date didn't pay for my dinner, had to go to Casey's to get money just to get into the dance, and he didn't even dance with me until the last song). Despite a few minor set backs and the fact that I had a XC meet in North Linn at 8:30 that morning followed by a band competition at 4:30 in the afternoon, and the fact that I got back and ready in about 45 minutes with a shower. I had a pretty dress and a stupendous time dancing with many different people and hanging with all of my other friends.

So than, what have I been up to more recently. For starters I'm going to have a quick, little bragging session on behalf of team just to get that out of the way. Bare with me...
WE ARE GOING TO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right the Williamsburg Raiders Girl's XC team is currently ranked number 2 in the entire state of Iowa out of approx. 88 teams. We are going to be running at state next weekend Saturday, November 1, 2008 in Fort Dodge. We hope to have a pep bus available for the entire community at a charge of only $4 per person. But an even greater hope yet is that we will knock Decorah off of the high podium to be number 1 in the state for the first time in Raider history. We already won the Conference title for the first time since 1986 and we know we are capable of winning state if we keep our heads on straight. All or nothing! We always run as hard as we can, for as long as we can, to do as much as we can, and let God take care of the rest. Because success happens when 10,000 hours of hard work and determination meet one moment of opportunity.
As you can imagine by that last quick paragraph my time has been pretty focused on running. I love running. I know I'm crazy, I hear it all the time, but I just can't help it. It's a passion. Strange as it may sound, I'm even starting to love the pain. Upon graduating from high school I'm going to continue running as my goal is to run in the half marathon they have in Des Monies during the fall of my Freshman year of college. Another exciting thing for me is that for the first time in my history I ran a sub 6 mile. In otherwords, I reach my once impossible goal of running a mile in under 6 minutes. I ran in 5 minutes and about 54 seconds. It hurt a lot, and yes I did puke. oops :-o. but to me it was worth it. Also, I am not one of the top 8 girls on the team-if that gives you any inclination of the fortitude and ability of Williamsburg varsity girls. They deserve much respect. And I'm am glad to run in these girls shadows and be hopefully run varsity next year. Our JV girls finished our season undefeated and had 3 meets with perfect scores, meaning we had runners in 1,2,3,4,and 5 place and in one meet we even took the top 7. Total domination. (ok bragging session is complete for the most part---sorry about that :-P)
Info: A resent exciting XC activity includes tepeeing our XC coach, coach Nordhiem's house. I ran around his house 5 times with out breaking the roll when we did well at districts. Even coach thought it was funny. I was fun to go back to the Ritchie house afterwards and stuff our faces too. This Cross Country season will go in the memory book and never be forgotten. I will also always remember running to burg foods, buying cookies, and running back to share with everyone, as well as our many team suppers. Which I would like to say that Mrs. Widmer (Mitchell Widmer's mom) makes the best cheesecake in the world! (Even better than yours Brandt-sorry but that is no lie! perhaps you too should have a bake off though=and I get to take the cakes :-). I will remember how everyone made so much noise in town after me made state, and the firetruck that drove around to announce our arrival home. One of my favorite memories may be all of out inside jokes or eating peanut butter covered oreos at molly's house when we were supposed to be running and then almost having to run back to school because her car wouldn't start. It is definitely a season for the memory book! love you girls so much! Next week....Party as Sammy Meyer's House!!!!!!!!! Horror Movie Mania!
Sadly however, to be quite honest, I will be a tiny bit excited when it's all over with! One because I get to rock it out as a Senior next year and two... I CAN'T WAIT FOR WRESTLING SEASON!!!! And NO I don't mean that in the creepy watch boys in spandex way! I mean it in the-I really love watching wrestling way. I never thought I would ever say this after last season, but I miss spending my day in a gym watching a bunch of sweaty guys do disgusting things. In part that is because I know the work that they put in and I've been there. I have more respect for my male classmates that wrestle than most others (unless they chew---or other illegal activities---hint hint you all are disgusting). I'm not a big fan of those that starve themselves either. Anyways, you can be sure to see me at every wrestling meet that I am able to attend and thanks to everyone who already has offered to carpool! (REALLY BIG MARY SMILE :-D) I also am excited now to have my baby bro in there so I can come cheer him on. And yes Jake I will come watch you, but please stop sending my pics. of your bod...I'm not impressed. sorry-had to embarrass you :-).
My other time and energy consuming activity at the moment is FCCLA. I have been individually teaching myself for the past week as I have been attending meetings in Des Monies and around Iowa and not attending school-no worries I'm pre-excussed (on the plus side I got to stay in the Hilton :-P). I do all my school work in the evenings and sometimes feel my days blending. I have most recently debated the question: is it worth to go to sleep at 3:30 in the morning when you know you have to wake up at 5:00? The answer is yes. At least to me. It's always worth it to do as much as possible. With great risks, come great rewards. Hard work and determination-again-always pay off! The conferences I attended were great just like the food, hotel, guest speaker, and well EVERYTHING. The guest speaker was Michael Wade Smith a man who has talked to the president personally, as well as been a chapter, district, state, and national FCCLA officer, despite coming from a physically and mentally abusive and unstable home life. He is only 20 years old and I was very impressed with his accomplishments and intellect. So much that we even e-mail now. I am even more impressed that as busy as he is he has time to talk to some small town Iowa girl that probably doesn't mean much to him. He told me something that now means a great deal to me..."you cannot teach anyone anything, you can only help them discover it with in themselves." This is powerful to me because I am one of those people who always tries to help people. I have so quickly learned that you can never and should never try change who someone really is, because it won't work. You can only change someone who wants to be changed and to do that they most want to learn it or change it for themselves. As a great leader will make everyone around you better just by being there, listening, and caring. A true leader will choose to transfer things from the way they are to the way they should be. The world can be a great place: if you lead they will follow. ("If you build it they will come"-Field of Dreams- sorry felt the urge to stick in a corny line.) Everyone should use what they are awesome at, to change the world. Success Starts with you. It's your life, your choice, and your voice. make the best of it!

I would also like to take this opportunity to say that I have an interest in running for state FCCLA office on the executive council this March. I'm starting my work now, so we'll see what happens. I have learned and gained so much in my last 3 years as a member and I want to give it all back. Also, I am ubber excited to celebrate my birthday this year at District conventions in Cincinnati, Ohio with all my friends in an amazing hotel! :-). The theme is take action with ambition. I can't wait. The state theme is create the extraordinary...because thatis how extraordinary becomes the ordinary.
(Now so random Mary fumes...) If you don't do it, who will? Demand perfection of yourself and let go of all excuses! Excuses get you nowhere...they can only knock you down. You must challenge excuses and fight apathy at all cost. Play the hand your dealt and win it! Always take something away from the experience, never leave a regret.

After returning from FCCLA meetings in the beginning of the week. I promptly took the PSAT tests and missed another day of school to test. I am currently awaiting my scores-fingers crossed.

Even later that week I had a band completions. State competition was in Williamsburg this year and it was amazingly successful. (I hope Brandt relayed the message to those of you I invited :-). We had an immensely successful season with our show "Around the World in 8 Minutes". It was full of action and took much hard work. I have had to be at school by about 7:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays rain or shine with a smile on my face and a freezing cold metal mouth piece stuck to it all year to this point.

----------I never really did get why when we were little they told us to never lick cold metal but when we get older and join band they yell at you over a loud speaker if you don't! --------------Marching band season ended last week and we are now preparing for concert band and practicing pep band music. We are choreographing and practicing Thriller for our performance at the play off game this next Wednesday night in Williamsburg.

The band will all be in our Halloween costums, and the golden girl will be there to twerl some fire. If you can make it please come!! (we are currently the second ranked football team in the Districts). I am excited for the game!
More recently...Maggie, Chuck, Bowen, and many of my other friends were in Indian for national FFA....in other words it's quiet-he he he. Currently in FFA we are selling Fruit-so if you're interested you know who to call.
Everyone got back late Friday night and I have loved hearing so many fun stories.
This week I spent tons of my time on homework and other research as well. I completed nearly 22 pages of sociology work as well as work on my rough draft on my Cleopatra research paper. (Very little sleep but I learned incredible amounts). Term ended on Friday....One down 3 to go! I'm glad to have all of the finals done for another term!!
Also, this last week Maggie and I went to the 4-H committee meeting and met one of the new workers at the extension office. I believe her name is Deborah, and she was really nice. Also this week with 4-H my club had a very successful meeting. It was Saturday morning 9-11 and we had so many fun activities. (Thank you all parents for helping it is far more than appreciated). We had 2 fun games, officer induction ceremony, a fun craft, tons of treats and great food, beautifully spooky decorations, and a pumpkin competition with homemade certificates for the scariest, most creative, ect.... Everyone had loads of fun. I know I loved it. Last night I went to church and than worked at the pals family fun night at Mary Welsh. I was in charge of face painting, yet I seemed to get painted on just as much.... I let Alison Brinkman and Kira Savage paint a black cat face on me. Then I remembered that I was going home to have Karl Lamount at my house to play some ping pong... :-0. However, my face was amusing to say the least. While painting, one little girl wanted me to paint a cat face on her as well because she said she said I looked funny and she wanted to look like me- not sure if it was a good thing that she thought I looked funny and for that reason wanted to look like me, but it brought a smile to my face anyways. I felt special and strangely less silly when more people started to paint cat faces as well, I guess even a cat face can be a new trend---many laughs with Alison P. and me---both as cats. The little girls were so adorable in their cat faces-they looked much cuter the me---he he he. It was the most fun job I've ever had.

After face painting dad let me go out to the mall with my friends instead of coming straight home. There I met up with everyone (a bunch of friends) as they got off of work. Then we went to the haunted barn in Marengo with Aric, Nora, Dustin, Hannah, and Myself... It was pretty spooky, but the best part was hearing Dustin scream like a girl. I haven't laughed so hard in years. I think I even started to scare the workers. They didn't understand why I was laughing in a haunted house. Another funny part was when a guy with a chain saw came at me and I hit the off button. He was so shocked. He then gave me a hug and high five, that's when I actually got scared-chuckle :-). Afterwards all the girls went back to Hannah's house to watch movies and have girl's night. I got home this morning at 8:30 and I am glad to say that I have had a fairly relaxing day. Minimal home work. Except I am currently slacking on my Cleopatra research paper to visit blogs though. Shhhhhh. don't tell. Although, in my deffence I have 2 Cleopatra sites opened and have typed 2 1/2 pages will waiting on my slow dial up internet.

This next week shall hopefully be another exciting one, although I would be happy to be a little less busy, and perhaps receive some more sleep. The main focus will prob. be state, Halloween and Halloween Party, Dance- which is amazing (esp. ballet), and 4-H awards night...It will be great fun.

I would like to add a new amusing quote that I kidnapped from a bumper sticker. It's very controversial and I may make many people mad, but this is my blog and my opinions so I'm going to go for it. " Annoy a liberal: be happy, have success, work hard, earn money!" Sorry to those that disagree, but I love it and it seems to fit with my debatable attitude lately. I am entirely unsure of what provoked me, but I am so unbelievably into the politics of the world right now, it's not even funny. Plus, I love to debate, as I'm sure many of you know. The other day I amused myself by rendering the biggest Obama supporter I know into utter silence. I love making them speechless :-) A teach that was watching the whole things started laughing and told me I was too ornery for my own good. Maybe so, but who can deny it's not a little fun. Besides, as I am a lady, I did not even start the argument, I merely finished it. :-)

Hope to see everyone at the game!
Love to all and Thanks again for you time and dedication,
Love Always and Forever~God Bless~
Mary Schmidt

And Always remember here are 2 quotes I hope effect your actions in the upcoming months:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi
"Believeing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential"- John C. Maxwell (I know it sounds risky, I thought so too, but a little bit of faith goes along way sometimes, you would want others to have faith in you....your more likely to do your best not to let them down.)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Achieving your DREAMS is not MAGIC-it's a result of HARD WORK and DETERMINATION

Normalish Scary/Crazy

Alright so as a quick set the scene view of what I am currently up to.... I am in black dancers tights/leggings with bright red short shorts over top, a long sleeve black under armor top with a white cut off over top. To make it all complete I have new white leg warmers on. I look like I rolled over and woke up in the 80's (only completely covered in Raider colors)! Part of the outfit explanation was I was out with friends watching movies and hanging out until about 1:00 in the morning at Tia's house, and when I got home I crashed and burned in my Raider Pride attire. The other half of the explanation is that I've been doing dance stuff (stretching and working out) at home this morning. I also just got done cutting a watermelon picked by my very own professional watermelon picker (which has nothing to do with my outfit-he he ha ha). It is amazing sweet and delicious of course b/c it was grown and picked with love. My mood is slightly down in the dumps b/c I have just received a letter with the score I received on my last Kirkwood Sociology test which was, to my standards, far less than desirable. Still, Over all: it is a glorious day after a fun and entertaining night. The world continues to revolve around the sun, I'm still here to smile at/with you, I have a nice steaming cup of lemon-honey tea to wake me up and some homemade raspberry and lemon bars, and I love watermelon. Also, I am now actually starting to study for my Kirkwood test, as I failed to do last time, so that History may not negatively repeat itself.

This leads me to what I actually intended to blog about today....

Yesterday afternoon I decided to watch one of my favorite movies, it being my favorite movie for many unknown possibilities known to man, The Patriot. It is a very gory, incredibly gross, murderous movie full of violence and frequent cursing. Yet it is mostly true, as it is based off of a true story, and it is a factual part of our countries history.
(History= noun:
1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.
2. a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account;

6. acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future; immediate but significant happenings)

Well now, if you did not already know History is one of my favorite subjects in school. It just makes sense unlike math that I'll never use or English that has always been difficult for me (I have minor dyslexia and can not spell worth a poo). History comes easily.
So back to "The Patriot". The movie shows how sticking to your beliefs and doing what you believe is right pays of in the end. The main characters in the movie are the rebellious Patriots that are rebelling against their homeland of England. They believe that independence is right and they are standing up against the crown for unjust/unfair treatments towards them (Americans). As we all know, we are the independent America we are today in a large part because of this Revolution, led by the patriots, in our history. This is a huge part of why we are the young land of the free and home of the brave known as America. This revolution started the mold of the future (which is now the present). We should act wisely with what we have and never surrender it!

History is unchangeable. It is the present we change and the future which follows. What you did 10 minutes ago is now past and cannot be unchanged, but I'm sure it affects the present in one way or another. It may have even led to what you're doing right now. And what you are doing now, that too will pass. And the future will be affected. The future is what is to be shaped/changed-history is just an act, idea, or event that helps shape it. This is why I firmly believe in the importance of teaching us, my generation, the future of America about our history. Without knowledge of the past, it is doomed to repeat itself. Now is the time to move forward. History is a guide in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are. In my Honors World History 11 class there is a sign that hangs to the left of my seat. I read it almost every day and am working on memorizing it. It says: "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging the future but by the past." Our ignorance of history is what causes us to slander our times. My father has always taught me that it's ok to make mistakes, but a fool makes the same mistake twice. For you never know unless you try. ~To prevent myself from being a fool I find myself analyzing so much of my past, of the worlds history, and the history of my family. (Not to say that I'm dwelling in my past, merely observing and learning from it). I feel that it is wise to emphasis this idea as a youth. The world depends on our actions today. Tomorrow is another day and yesterday will never come back, yet tomorrow is just an extension of today (Combination of 3 quotes, the first being my FST teacher Mr. G's, the second ((after the "and")) being one of my father's many, and the third ((after the "yet")) I've lived by for as long as I can remember.).

A Good friend once told me, "you should live 75% for today and 25% for tomorrow". When he first said this, originally I was annoyed by his comment. To be completely frank I held my tongue to prevent myself from telling him to "shut the blank up" (My sincerest apologies for the rudeness of that thought-and fyi the blank is probably not as bad as you may be thinking.) Anyways, I didn't actually say anything to him, I just put it in my head and stored it for later-the future (which is "now", the present-funny how that works). If you think about this quote it is actually quite profound. It is even now quite meaningful to me. Furthermore, it interest me. It seems both pessimistic and optimistic at the same time. (I believe that is perhaps one reason why it initially annoyed me). It is quite the perplexing statement, if you really allow yourself to reflect on it. That is part of what makes it so clever. Really! It makes sense live that majority of your life in today. You cannot even know for sure if tomorrow will come. That is why you must make the best of today by doing as much as you can, for as long as you can, to effect the most people that you can. The rest is in God's hands, because the earth will continue to revolve around the sun whether you take action or not. So, why not take action and make the world a better place? Success starts with you!

Today is what affects tomorrow so if you do not do well today, tomorrow will not have a good foundation. Everything in life must have a good foundation as it is necessary. If you do not heed example/history and listen and mind the words of the past you are foolish. If you build your house on sand you will not have a good foundation, hence when the rain falls, the floods come, and the winds blow to beat against your house, it will fall. Those of us that use the knowledge we have been graciously given will be able to with stand these hardships like a rock-by simply being wise. (Paraphrased example from Matthew 7:24-27). Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance (Proverbs 1:5). This is how 75% of how you live should be in today, because it is the building blocks, the foundation of the 25% to follow.

It is also wise to put 25% of what you do into future thought. If you do not think ahead, the present 75% has no meaning, purpose, or for site.

However, while his logic is, well, perfectly logical....I can't help but still feel that same initial frustration. When he first said it I was angry b/c I wanted him so much to put more thought into the future. The future is so important to me I often loose the moment. What he said, and my being able to for once in my life hold my tongue and think, led me to realize something. I need to slow down or I may have a reckless future. I have over planned so much that when something fails I feel the need to redesign my life. After consideration, his advice to me may be one of the healthiest things he has ever done for me. Now, as my nature to debate, I think that to argue with him would have been completely wrong with out allowing myself to reflect in this way.

Instead I believe that 75% for the present is exactly right if and only if you spend that time in the present to research and learn from the past-otherwise that 25% will still be wasted (or at very least not used to the full potential).
I'd like to thank my good friend Brandt Brenneman for telling me this quote and for allowing me to use his quote in this blog. -I'm seriously sorry if I have written anything offensive, if I have let me know and I'll edit it! I'd also like to point out that I found what I was looking for in Matthew-not Proverbs-he he, but you got me to skim read almost all of Proverbs =P
Alright so here is an amusing, at least for me, side note. I just got home from church and I am wearing my new, blue, super pretty bonnet that dad bought me. Our youth mission trip this year was to David Appalachian Kentucky, and the people there do many crafts. One of which was to make bonnets. So dad bought me one as part of a way to help the people raise money. I just realize that I have been wearing it for over the last hour and I super love it! Plus, it's an example of how I learned what to where from history-lol-jk. Anyhow, I hope that explains the pictures up top. :-D
History is the only laboratory we have in which to test the consequences of thought. You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them (Jennifer Lopez), and Achieving your dreams isn't magic---It is a result of hard work and determination. Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it (George Lucas). Don't keep your dreams in your imagination. Go after them and make them happen. (use 100% all of the present and the future-imagine it, dream it, plan it, do it). It is important that people stand up for what the believe in (Steve Nash). The Things that are important to you may not be important to everyone else---and that's okay. Actions Express priorities (Mahatma Gandhi).-this one makes me think most of one of my good friend -so for that I say: It's great to have priorities and express them, but go about your actions with kindness and consideration for others. It never hurts to be kind and treat others as you wish to be treated. You maintain better/healthier friendships that way. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor (1 Corinthians 10:24-26). And DON'T FORGET THE GOLDEN RULE! Do unto others as you would have done unto you. That is not to say that your actions were completely wrong or unjustifiable....as far as the major action and the big picture. It is simply in relation to understanding of friends and following actions for that you should reflect upon-on the lips of him who has understanding,wisdom is found (Proverbs 10:13-if you look up this verse be sure to read the entire chapter 10 as it is one of my favorites and I encourage you everyone to keep reading-FYI Bridgette your favorite verse is in there too, as I'm sure you already know). Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins (Proverbs 10:12).

Also know, Peer pressure loses its power when you know what you believe and what you stand for. But don't be so stubborn that you stop listen. Keep your ears and heart open and don't let your stubborn values close you down. (I work on this myself). To be united is a great thing when done with just purpose, but to respect for the right to be different maybe even greater. If you stand up, and speak out, you may be hurt...but the difference you make may last and make history! We are the future, so let us make history (Mary F. Schmidt)! Be the change you wish to see in the world (another Mahatma Gandhi-FYI read a Gandhi book at some point in your life I sincerely doubt you'll be disappointed). Now go do the right thing (Dr. Laura Slushzinger (I biffed her last name-sorry)).
I can't do it all, but I can do A LOT! And All those things 'I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me'. (I live by those two quotes combined as they pertains to me more than almost all the others. It is my belief in those words that keeps me going on the hard days!)
You demand respect and you'll get it. First of all, you give respect (Mary J. Blige). Remember, the roughest roads often lead to the top. Love Always and Forever. God Bless.
Mary Schmidt

P.S. Another strange fact about me is that while my personality may be spontaneously crazy and semi-disorganized, I despise disorganization. I like my books, folders, research, important information, etc. to be organized. I almost always organize by color codeation (unless of course chronological or alphabetically makes more sense in a specific situation) This is why I'm going to try to organize my blog thoughts by color-for at very least my personal benefit. I will attempt to us the color Blue=for my setting the scene and personal status such as feelings or temporary emotions. Straight from my heart Green= The actual point of my blog separate from my fluff and usual rambling (no guarantees that it won't contain rambling =P lol) Purple= backed up hard facts such as those from the dictionary or creditable books or stories both on and offline. Red= Important, warning, emphasised, serious or emergency Information. and PINk= randomness that has nothing to do with anything at all, but is merely present as a side affect of my, well, random and craziness. I try not to let it be pointless-I have a feeling it will usually consist of little get to know me facts. Really this entire P.S. should be in Pink, but I used the colors to hopefully be slightly less confusing, I have know idea if it has worked :-D. ****Unimportant random fact=I'm listening to a song called "Daddy Never was the Cadillac Kind" off of a cd that was at the dance studio. Nobody wanted it so they let me have it.... It's a song by some group called the Confederate Railroad. I don't know I have never heard of them-just was in a mood for something new.


Your Life, Your Voice, Your Choice....

In the words of my XC coach, Coach Nordhiem "Have a good one!"